Dear Worthy Sir Knights: Please find attached our updated Assembly 2563 calendar in PDF format. For those of you who use a company issued computer and are not allowed to use Adobe Reader Software, you will find the calendar dates for the remainder of the operational year shown below: 18 January 2023: Assembly Business Meeting 6:00 PM – St. Anthony 15 February 2023: Assembly Business Meeting 6:00 PM – St. Francis of Assisi 15 March 2023: Assembly Business Meeting 6:00 PM – St. Anthony 19 April 2023: Assembly Business Meeting 6:00 PM – St. Francis of Assisi 17 May 2023: Ass’y 2563 Picnic – Horseshoe Bend Park, 1156 River Road, Mineral Bluff, GA 30559, 4:00 to 8:00 PM, nominations of new officers. 3rd Deg. Knights, and all spouses invited. 29 May 2023: Place flags on Veterans graves at St. Anthony and St. Francis cemeteries near dawn on 29th and remove after dusk on 29th or next morning. 21 June 2023: Assembly Business Meeting 6:00 PM – St. Anthony – Voting on...