Council Blood Drive

Hi Liz -
If you could post an announcement concerning our next K of C Sponsored Red Cross Blood Drive Scheduled for Saturday Feb. 4, 2023, in the Church Bulletin and Flock Newsletter, Council 11746 would appreciate it.  Anyone eligible to donate may make an appointment on-line by going to this link: Schedule a Blood, Platelet or Plasma Donation | American Red Cross (  Power Red and Whole Blood are donatable products at our Blood Drive.  Plasma donations are not currently possible.  We have many appointment times available.

The time for the Blood Drive is from noon to 5:00 PM.  Set-up for the Blood Drive in Marian Hall will occur at 10:00 AM (on the same date).  Replacement of chairs and tables will occur after the drive is completed and the Red Cross personnel have left - usually between 5:30 & 5:45 PM.  Members of the Knights are asked to help before, and after the drive.  Anyone else is welcome to help prepare the Marian Hall.

Thank you!
Rick Graff,
Trustee/Past Grand Knight/Blood Program Leader

Click on link to make an appointment tent for Blood Drive


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