Council Blood Drive Nov 2nd , 2024

Worthy Brother Christopher -

Last Saturday, Nov. 2, 2025, St. Francis of Assisi Council 11746, Blairsville, GA in conjunction with the American Red Cross, conducted a Blood Drive at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Marian Hall, 3717 GA 515E, Blairsville, GA 30512.  

30 units of blood were collected, which exceeded our goal of 25 units.  I am the current Blood Drive Leader for the event.  I have attached three photos of the event, at the request of Worthy State Advocate, Michael Basak, who stopped by with his family to see how the drive was going along, and to visit his father's grave site at the church's cemetery located next to Marian Hall.

Should you have any questions or desire additional information, my contact information is below.

Rick Graff,


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