Next Exemplifications

Dear Worthy Brothers:

Our next Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity for Third Degree Knighthood is scheduled for April 24, 2022. I invite everyone of you to participate in this ceremony, which is open to your spouses, and family to observe.  Some of you have asked in the past if being a Third Degree Knight involves more than what you are doing now as a first- or second-degree Knight.  I can assure you it does not, unless you want to donate more of your time.  The only three things a 3rd Degree Knight has that a 1st or 2nd degree Knight does not have, is: 
1: the ability to be an elected or appointed officer should he want to be,
2. at the time of your death, spouses of 3rd degree Knights can request a Rosary be said by other Knights at the wake/viewing, if held at the church, as was done with Deacon Larry.  If the wake or viewing is held at a funeral home, then permission must be obtained from the funeral home in order to conduct a prayer service like the Rosary.
3. You can participate in a 4th Degree Exemplification.

The Third-Degree Exemplification will be held inside the church and takes about 35 to 40 minutes.  Seating of guests will start as soon as the 11:00 AM mass is over with - usually about 1:00 PM.  The ceremony will start at 1:30 PM and should be over by 1:45 PM.  Another ministry group is planning to use the church after our ceremony is over with and we have emptied the church of our ceremonials.

We will have beverages and snacks available afterward in the vestibule of the church for our newly Exemplified Knights and their spouses, and family. 

Please contact me and let me know if you are planning on attending.
Richard “Rick” F. Graff                  
Grand Knight, Council 11746
Faithful Captain, Assembly 2563
51 Hidden Fields Rd.
Hiawassee, GA 30546
Cell/Text: 706-970-5696


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