Fraternal Survey


    What is the Catholic Difference?

Dear Brother Daniel,
Soon — if you haven't already! — you will receive the 2022 fraternal survey in the mail. This survey, unrelated to the similarly named Council Fraternal Survey, is designed to help you update the Supreme Council on your information and circumstances each year.
Once we get the results of your annual survey, we’ll be better able to advise you of member benefits relevant to you — benefits you may not be receiving today.
Here’s what it will look like:
Please take the time to fill it out, mail it back to us (or submit it online) and let us know what’s new with you.
Blessed Michael McGivney founded our Order in part to help protect Catholic families. You and your family deserve the opportunity to take advantage of all of the exclusive benefits that come with being a Knight of Columbus.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Knights of Columbus
(203) 752-4000



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