News for K of C

News for Knights of Columbus

VOLUME 39 │ NUMBER 51 │DEC. 20, 2021

As we count our blessings during this holy season, we are reminded of the various ways that the Order serves those in need and remains a voice for religious liberty throughout the world. We wish all Knights of Columbus and their families a joyful Christmas and grace-filled New Year.


The figures in this Nativity scene were handcrafted in Guadalajara, Mexico, by the renowned sculptor Agustín Parra and patterned after a similar set he made for Pope Benedict XVI. Since 2011, the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council has presented this Nativity scene for the citizens and guests of New Haven, Conn., where the Order was founded in 1882 by Blessed Michael McGivney.


Knights Deliver Handmade Toys to Children

Members of John N. Neumann Council 6965 constructed and delivered more than 500 handcrafted wooden toys to charitable organizations bringing joy to children in need in San Jose, Calif. READ MORE


Chaldean Knights Bring Hope to Iraqi Christians

When ISIS began its genocide of Christians in Iraq in 2014, Chaldean Knights from Mar Toma Council 10981 in El Cajon, Calif., knew they had to do something. They soon began fundraising and founded “Hope for Iraqi Christians” to aid displaced families and refugees of religious persecution. WATCH VIDEO

Since 2014, the Order has provided more than $25 million to aid persecuted Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East and beyond. With your gift to the Persecuted Christians Fund, you can help ensure these communities know they are not alone. DONATE



The K of C Battle Against Soviet Ideology

The Knights of Columbus, guided by the teaching of the Church and the popes, actively engaged in a war of ideas for souls and nations throughout the 20th century — a war that would culminate in the dissolution of the Soviet Union 30 years ago on Christmas Day 1991. READ MORE


The Nativity Story

The Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center resumes its tradition of showcasing Christmas in art from around the world with its exhibition The Nativity Story: Art of the Crèche. Here is a look at some of the crèches featured in this show open now and through Feb. 6, 2022. LEARN MORE


What will your legacy be? Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund can help you plan your charitable impact. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our associates. CONTACT US | LEARN MORE


Tell others about Knightline

Forward this newsletter to Catholic men interested in the Knights, and let them know that they can become a member for free online using promo code MCGIVNEY2020 at You can also share your questions, feedback and story by emailing



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