Announcement regarding a change in the scheduling of the Spanish Mass.

Dear Worthy Brothers -

In the most recent Flock Notes issued by the Parish Office, there was an important announcement regarding a change in the scheduling of the Spanish Mass.

Please be advised beginning 15 January 2022, the Sunday Spanish Mass will be changed from Sunday at 1:00 PM to a Saturday vigil Mass at 6:30 PM.

Therefore, we do not anticipate any major issue with parking for our Saturday evening Socials, since most of you that plan to attend the socials attend the 4:30 mass because of the convenience it offers.  What this does mean is that for those members of the parish who religiously attend the Spanish mass, is that they will likely no attend any of our Saturday evening socials, since they will occur coincidentally, unless they are willing to attend the 4:30 English Language Vigil Mass.

As a result of the Spanish Mass date and time change, we will change the time of our Exemplification scheduled for 23 January 2022.  The details will be covered in a separate email.

Should you have any questions, my contact information is below.

Vivat Jesus,
Richard “Rick” F. Graff                  
Grand Knight, Council 11746
Faithful Captain, Assembly 2563
51 Hidden Fields Rd.
Hiawassee, GA 30546
Cell/Text: 706-970-5696


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