Pray for Peace in the Ukraine


Dear Brother Knights,

Yesterday, Pope Francis called for a day of prayer for peace in Ukraine to be held this coming Wednesday, Jan. 26. Clearly, the cause is one that has worldwide implications, but in a particular way we wish to stand with our brother Knights in Ukraine, where the Order has had a presence for nearly a decade.

To express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people, I urge brother Knights around the world to join with Pope Francis and the Universal Church in praying for peace in Ukraine on Wednesday.

Specifically, I encourage you to join me at 3 p.m. Eastern U.S. time, if possible, in praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Prayer of St. Francis. Already I have heard from brother Knights in Poland, who have pledged to stand with their Ukrainian neighbors and brothers in prayerful solidarity at that hour.

You can find a link here to the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and to the Prayer of St. Francis.

Thank you for answering our Holy Father’s call to prayer. Whether you are able to join together in groups, or you pray alone or with your family, we stand in solidarity and in fraternity with our brothers in Ukraine.

Vivat Jesus!


Patrick E. Kelly
Supreme Knight



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