tickets for Cajun dinner

Worthy Brothers -
This weekend is the last time tickets will be for sale at the Vigil mass at 4:30 PM on Saturday and the 8:30 and 11:00AM masses on Sunday.

We have lots of tickets still available for what promises to be a really great dinner.  I was on the tasting crew that sampled the jambalaya, and I can tell you it was great.  It was not spicy at all.  Most Cajun food is not spicy having spent 40+ years off and on traveling in Southern Louisiana on marine business for ZF and Twin Disc.  For those of you with shellfish concerns - don't worry.  This recipe only has sausage, chicken, and pork. 

I will be in the vestibule of church before and after masses to sell tickets.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Tickets are $15.00/person and include the jambalaya, corn bread, and salad.  Ticket buyers are asked to bring a dessert to pass.  Bring your own favorite beverages, and if you like things spicy, then bring your own ht sauce.  We provide water, coffee, and tea.

If you have any questions, my contact information is below.

Richard "Rick" F. Graff                  
Grand Knight, Council 11746
Faithful Captain, Assembly 2563
51 Hidden Fields Rd.
Hiawassee, GA 30546
Cell/Text: 706-970-5696


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