Winning Announcement

Dear Worthy Brothers:

It is with great pleasure and on behalf of Ron and Darla Chmiel, I am able to announce our Council won the first place, and the blue ribbon for our Nativity display at Georgia Mountain Fair Grounds, for the Mountain Country Christmas in Lights 2021.  In addition, a check in the amount of $125.00 was written out to St. Francis of Assisi Church, as part of the first-place prize.

Many thanks go out to Ron and Darla Chmiel, Ron Koerber and his wife, and new Knight Bob Maclean, who helped set up the booth, and to those who helped take the display down this week.  Congratulations!!!!

Richard F. Graff                  
Grand Knight, Council 11746
Faithful Captain, Assembly 2563
51 Hidden Fields Rd.
Hiawassee, GA 30546
Cell/Text: 706-970-5696


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