Congratulations Council 11746

Worthy Brothers -

Congratulations Council 11746.  We have attained five new members this operational year (July 2021 to June 2022).

They are:
Robert Maclean
Gerald Couse
Fred Stewart
Frank Marino
Robert Murray

Although the Knights of Columbus are not a parish ministry, like at least one other parish organization, St. Francis of Assisi does extend an invitation to us, and other organizations similar to us, to participate in the Ministry Fair that will be held on February 26th between the 4:30 and the 6:30 Masses and February 27th between the 8:30 and 11:00 Masses. Tables will be provided.  All information, i.e., brochures, banners, books, etc. each ministry should provide.  Volunteers will be needed from each ministry to provide and promote their ministry. Additional information will be in Flock Notes too.

We have many items that can be used as aids for this event.  Please mark your calendars, as this will be an opportunity to sign up new members and promote the insurance benefits of the #2 rated insurance company in the nation.      

Richard “Rick” F. Graff                  
Grand Knight, Council 11746
Faithful Captain, Assembly 2563
51 Hidden Fields Rd.
Hiawassee, GA 30546
Cell/Text: 706-970-5696


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