Council Update

Worthy Brothers -

January 2022 has been a month full of news and noteworthy events.

We had a great turnout for the Cajun Bayou Classic Jambalaya Dinner prepared by Chefs Doug and Shirley Newton.  Desserts and Corn bread were provided by various Knights and their wives.  Many thanks to all, who were able to attend the dinner, despite weather warnings - which failed to appear until about an hour after everyone had left Marian Hall.

Worthy Brothers Robert Murray and Fred Stewart completed their Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity in church after the 11:00 AM Mass on Sunday 23 January 2022.  Worthy Brother Frank B. Marino completed the (witnessed) on-line Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity as he was not abel to attend the in-person/in-church exemplification.  Please welcome them when you see them and remember to wear your name badges, whenever you attend mass, as you are promoting the K of C.  For you new Knights, WB and FS Jim Holzinger will be ordering your name badges.  

Worthy Brother and Trustee Jim Brown was able to get the Knights back into the number one slot for kicking off the Simple Soup Suppers on the First Friday of Lent: 4 March 2022, just prior to the Stations of the Cross being held at 7:00 PM.  Thank you, Jim!  More on this event as we approach Lent later in February.  If any Knight is reasonably fluent in Spanish contact Jim Brown, as the Stations will be bi-lingual, at cell/text: 706-994-0066.

February will be busy too.  You can refer to the updated/revised calendar attached for planned future events, but here is a quick recap for February's events:
5       Blood Drive – Marian Hall (set-up 10:30AM; Blood Drive noon to 5:00; teardown 5:30)
9       Quarterly Deceased Knights’ Mass at noon in Church
10      Officers Meeting 5:30 PM and Council Member Meeting 6:30 PM
12      Chili Cook-Off/Trivia Night Social – 6:00 to 9:00 pm

Any Knight that can help set Marian Hall up for the Blood Drive this Saturday morning is asked to please drop in and help.  It won't take long.

Any Knight that can attend the Deceased Knight's Mass honoring those Knights who are no longer with us, is asked to attend.  We lead the procession into the church and sit in the front pews of the church.  Wear what you typically wear to Sunday mass, sport coats optional.

We will be selling tickets for the Chili Cook-Off/Trivia Night Social at our meeting and at this weekend's masses.  This will be the last opportunity for you to buy them.  We still need some volunteers who can claim to be chili experts and cook up a crockpot of some mean chili.  We have about four or five people that have committed to bringing chili.  Two years ago, we had about 23 pots of that dangerous concoction known as chili on the tables.  Let's see if we can do it again.  I suggest bringing the crock pots before mass starts at 4:30.  

If anyone has questions or needs additional information, you may contact me - see below.

Vivat Jesus,
Richard “Rick” F. Graff                  
Grand Knight, Council 11746
Faithful Captain, Assembly 2563
51 Hidden Fields Rd.
Hiawassee, GA 30546
Cell/Text: 706-970-5696


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