News for K of C

News for Knights of Columbus

VOLUME 40 │ NUMBER 5 │FEB. 1, 2021

At a Holy Hour at St. Mary’s Parish in New Haven, Conn., Jan. 26, Knights prayed for peace in Ukraine. It is in the Blessed Sacrament that Knights find strength to fearlessly answer Christ’s call to follow him and to serve those who are most vulnerable.


In welcome remarks before a Holy Hour for Peace in Ukraine at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn., Jan. 26, Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly emphasized the Order’s solidarity with Knights and their families in the country. He also led those in attendance in the Prayer of St. Francis. (Photo by Mel Musto)

Praying for Peace in Ukraine

The Holy Hour at St. Mary’s Parish — the birthplace of the Knights of Columbus — included eucharistic adoration and praying of the rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Prayer of St. Francis, in addition to Ukrainian hymns and prayers, and remarks from Bishop Paul Chomnycky of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford. READ MORE | WATCH VIDEO


Knights March for Life

College Knights were among the tens of thousands who marched in defense of the unborn at the March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan 21. WATCH VIDEO

Find more coverage of the March for Life on our news hub.


Supreme Chaplain’s Monthly Challenge

For the month of February, Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William Lori challenges Knights to go to confession and attend at least one weekday Mass this February, offering it for the intention to fearlessly answer Christ’s call to follow him. Additionally, he challenges Knights to participate in or consider starting the Faith in Action Into the Breach program. To read the full challenge, along with questions for reflection, click here.


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