News for K of C.

News for Knights of Columbus

VOLUME 40 │ NUMBER 6 │ FEB. 7, 2022

In 1858, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in Lourdes, France, to 14-year-old Bernadette Soubirous as the Immaculate Conception. Today, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, famous for its healing waters, is one of the most popular Catholic pilgrimage destinations in the world and the site of the annual Warriors to Lourdes pilgrimage co-sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. On the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Feb. 11, all Knights and their families are encouraged to seek the intercession of the Blessed Mother for healing and strength.


Warriors to Lourdes: The Fisks’ Story

Following major complications during their son’s birth, U.S. Army Capt. Adam Fisk and his wife, Morgan, were told their baby would suffer long-term brain trauma. They attribute their son’s miraculous recovery to Our Lady of Lourdes, and in 2019, had the opportunity to visit the international shrine in thanksgiving — as participants of the Warriors to Lourdes pilgrimage, which brings military personnel and their families to Lourdes, France, for rest, prayer and healing. 

Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, the initiative coincides with the International Military Pilgrimage, established in 1946 to promote reconciliation and peace after World War II, and with the Order’s long history of providing hospitality and spiritual resources for military personnel — including the first military pilgrimage to Lourdes, which followed World War I. As the first in-person Warriors to Lourdes pilgrimage since 2019 is scheduled for May 2022, you are invited to help sponsor pilgrims and bring healing to military families. 



A Coach for the Ages: Vince Lombardi

A man with strong Catholic faith and an unparalleled coaching career, Vincent “Vince” T. Lombardi is rightly one of the most revered coaches in NFL history. Within two years of taking over the struggling Green Bay Packers in 1959, he led them to two consecutive NFL championships, soon followed by a third championship, as well as victories in Super Bowls I and II. Lombardi was a member of Msgr. Basche Council 4505 in Green Bay, Wis., and a Fourth Degree Knight. READ MORE


‘Their Need Became Our Need’

Nebraska councils refurbished a barn and shed to be used by religious sisters as spiritual retreat centers. “The Franciscan Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother are an important part of our mostly rural communities,” said Michael Vaughn, a member of Council 1966 in Plattsmouth. “They are a blessing.” READ MORE


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