March KOC Meeting

Dear Worthy Brothers -
Just a reminder that tomorrow night we have our monthly officer and Member Meeting.

Doors to Marian Hall will be open by 4:45 PM, to allow for room set-up and cooking.  We will be having fish sandwiches and snacks and beverages between the Officer and Membership meetings.  The fish will be cooked by Ron C. and Lew G.  The officer meeting begins at 5:30 PM, and the member meeting begins at 6:30 PM.

Be sure to wear your name tags, if you have them and bring your membership cards and rosaries.  New members who do not have a name badge as yet - be sure to see our FS, Jim Holzinger, to see if your badge has arrived.  Members need to see him if you have paid your dues but not received your new membership card as yet.  Also see him if you still owe 2022 dues of $36.00.

We have received a number of communications, which will be announced, and will be available for you to see on the side table.  The main item to be discussed is the St. Patrick Dinner Social, which is the biggest social event the council holds each operational year.

St. Patrick's Dinner Social Tickets will be available for sale after the member meeting, in addition to before and after the Saturday 4:30 PM Vigil Mass and before and after the Sunday masses this weekend.  We have currently sold 64 tickets, and given 4 complimentary tickets to widows of Knights, clergy, etc.  This is a total of 68 tickets to date.  We will have sign-up sheets available for volunteers for the event.  We need numerous volunteers to make this a success.

If you have any questions comments, bring them to the meeting or contact me using my info below.
Vivat Jesus,
Rick Graff
Grand Knight, Council 11746
Faithful Captain, Assembly 2563
51 Hidden Fields Rd.
Hiawassee, GA 30546
Cell/Text: 706-970-5696


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