Novena for Ukraine


The Knights of Columbus today calls on its over two million members and their families worldwide to join in nine days of prayer beginning March 17, 2022. Initiated by Catholics in Ukraine, the novena leads up to the Feast of the Annunciation, on March 25th, when Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Saint Peter’s Square in Rome. This date is historically significant, as on the same day in 1984, Saint John Paul II consecrated Russia and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

“During this time of immense suffering in Ukraine, I call on our more than two million Knights to devote themselves in prayer to our Blessed Virgin Mary,” said Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly. “Together, we’ll ask Our Lady to intercede on behalf of those directly impacted by the conflict, to give strength to our Ukrainian and Polish Knights working so hard to deliver relief, and to help bring peace to the region.”

To date, our generous members and donors have raised over $6.2 million, but the need continues to grow. Please consider making a donation to the Ukraine Solidarity Fund at 100% of your donation goes directly to support those afftected by the conflict in Ukraine.



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