Ukraine Fundraiser

Dear Worthy Brothers

All of you know by now of the situation in the Ukraine.  It is time for our Council to step into the brink and to show our support for the millions of refugees that have been forced from their homes in the Ukraine.  Earlier today, I alluded to a meeting with Fr. Mario after noon mass today. He mentioned to us the monies that have been collected to date in the church vestibule and they have been significant.  This is a chance for the Knights to donate all the profits from a fundraiser specifically for the support of the Ukrainian refugees, but for all the participants in the fundraiser to have a nice BBQ meal as well.  

Brother Emil Terranova (a retired professional chef) and I discussed with Fr. Mario about holding a drive through BBQ, similar to, but held differently from the one last year.  Details will unfold as we near the three weekends preceding the event when tickets will be sold.  This will be a two-day affair to be held on April 30 and May 1, 2022.  Please keep these dates open, as we will need help preparing the sandwiches and the carryout cartons in Marian Hall Kitchen.  Tickets to the event will be sold in advance and will also be linked to the date of pick-up of the order and the type of meat ordered.

100% of the profits will go directly to these displaced people.

Join us today in supporting Ukraine Solidarity Fund!  Remember - over half of the refugees are just children, who should have never seen in their short lives, what they have seen while escaping their homeland.  The Knights of Columbus in Poland and Ukraine are working hard to help the refugees get to a safe haven.

Please prayerfully consider how you can contribute to this effort, even if you do not want to have a BBQ meal. 

If you prefer to just make a donation and not have a BBQ meal, then your gift of any amount will go a long way in helping our brothers and sisters in Eastern Europe. Together, we can bring Christ's healing love to a wounded world.  Checks may be made out to Knights of Columbus Council 11746, and on the memo line, please write Ukraine Solidarity Fund.  

Thank you for your consideration.  To sign up to help us make this a success for this extremely important effort, contact me using my contact information below.
Rick Graff
Richard “Rick” F. Graff                  
Grand Knight, Council 11746
Faithful Captain, Assembly 2563
51 Hidden Fields Rd.
Hiawassee, GA 30546
Cell/Text: 706-970-5696


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