4th Degree Exemplifications

Dear Worthy Brothers:

Those of you who are not already 4th Degree Knights, are invited to become a 4th Degree Knight.

The next exemplification is not on the GAKOFC.org calendar, since it is so close in time to the one being held in Southern Georgia on April 30.  The exemplification team requires that there be a specified minimum number of candidates taking part in the fourth degree.

It is my understanding more information will be posted online, once the event on April 30 is completed, but based upon my knowledge of having attended three or four of these exemplifications, I can tell you the following:

1. You must be in good standing in the council - most importantly have your dues up to date.

2. The cost is $70.00, and includes the social baldric, certificate suitable for framing, and 4th degree pin. 

3. There is a dress code.  
3A. If you are not in the military, then you are to wear a black, dark gray, or dark blue business suit a white shirt having a lay down collar (not button down) and black or dark tie and dress shoes. 
3B. If you are in the military, clergy, police, or fire then:
    Military—Dress Uniform or tuxedo                                    
    Police and Firemen—Formal Dress Uniforms or tuxedo
    Priests—Regular Clerical Dress
    Seminarians—Dark Suit and Tie or Seminarian Collar with Black Suit  
4. You will need to have your current Council Membership card and rosary with you, when you check in at the registration desk on June 11.

Ron Chmiel is Assembly 2563's Faithful Navigator.  If you are interested in attending this June 11, 2022 event and becoming a 4th degree Knight, please contact him via email after May 2 at rondarla2000@yahoo.com, and please copy me at hydraglide1951@icloud.com. Ron will be asking all candidates some questions, as he will need the answers from you, since most of the information is pertinent to the Form 4 (similar to the Form 100 the Council uses).  Please note this exemplification is a private ceremony and is not open to the public  Only Candidates and 4th Degree Knights may attend it.

Thank you for your consideration.  Ron and I look forward to hearing from you.

Rick Graff
Grand Knight, Council 11746
Faithful Captain, Assembly 2563
51 Hidden Fields Rd.
Hiawassee, GA 30546
Cell/Text: 706-970-5696
Email: hydraglide1951@icloud.com
Web:   www.KofC.org 
Blog:  https://koc11746.blogspot.com


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