
Dear Worthy Brothers:                                                   

Maria Oswalt, the coordinator of the Respect Life Ministry at Christ the King is coordinating the important vigil described below.  I think it is important that we support this effort.  Two members of our Respect Life Ministry are going from Blairsville and will gladly carpool with whoever wants to join them.  If you want to carpool with them, contact MaryJane Wysocki - her contact info is below

Please take the time to see details in Maria Oswalt’s email below. It’s time to take a stand!

Regardless of your faith, we are all in this together on behalf of Life!

Blessings!!! cid:image001.jpg@01D1D79D.B2E56370 Maryjane Wysocki, 321-960-6351 (cell), MaryjaneWysocki@gmail.com121 Lola Dr, Blairsville, GA 30512 

I'm writing to invite you to a vigil happening this Friday in Woodstock, Georgia. (1.5 hrs. from Blairsville)

I'm not sure If you've seen the news out of DC lately, but pro-life activists recently discovered the bodies of 115 aborted children in a box that was intended to go to Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services — a company that incinerates medical waste and converts it into energy. 5 of those 115 children appeared to be late-term; the activists are calling for an autopsy to be done to see if they were victims of illegal partial-birth abortions (hence the hashtag #JusticeForTheFive in the attached graphic). You can read more about that situation here:

Curtis Bay has a location here in Georgia, so this Friday, some friends and I are going to hold a vigil outside their facility — to both bring attention to the fact that the company profits from abortion and to mourn the children whose bodies have been incinerated for energy.

I'd love it if you could join us and/or spread the word to other pro-life advocates who may be interested:

Thanks for all that you do!

Maria Oswalt

Creative Director,

Rehumanize International
Unfortunately I cannot attend due to my heart problems.
rick Graff                                              


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