St Patricks Dinner Results of donations for Ukraine.

Dear Worthy Brothers -

Congratulations to all of you that donated money to the fund, including those parishioners who donated at our recent St. Patrick's Dinner.

We have attained our initial goal of $1000.00.  At our next meeting our WFS Jim will have issued a warrant for $1000.00 for a check issued by our WT Rex, to be paid to Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. and mailed to: P.O. Box 1966, New Haven, CT, 06510-1966. On the check memo line, we will write Ukraine Solidarity Fund. 

Keep up the great work and spread the word - we are still going to be collecting money for this fund, since it has zero overhead.  100% of all monies collected will be sent to the Polish Knights of Columbus for supporting all refugees crossing their border. 

Any personal donations using checks should also be marked on the memo line Ukraine Solidarity fund and may be placed in the K of C pigeon-hole mailbox in the anteroom of the Admin Office in a sealed envelope marked to the attention of K of C Council 11746.  Make the checks out to K of C.
Vivat Jesus,
Rick Graff                                                      


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