
Showing posts from May, 2022

As memorial Day Approaches

As Memorial Day approaches, my thoughts turn to this important day of remembrance. I hope you take some time to reflect on the liberties and freedom we all share due to those who sacrificed for you and me. This is an important holiday, whose meaning should never be forgotten. This is also the week that I send one of my periodic mini-checklists, asking my fellow Knights and clients to indicate areas of interest. I know that you're aware that my work is focused in the financial services field. This checklist pertains to potentially reducing income taxes pertaining to financial products and services.  View the quick checklist Sincerely, Russell J. Cornell 706-276-2978 (Office) 706-273-0039 (Cell - Best Number)   Knights of Columbus  949 Goose Island Rd.  Cherry Log, GA 30522  

Council election of Officers

Dear Worthy Brothers - By the end of next week, you will receive an email providing you with the list of nominees for the elected offices of the Council. At the close of the meeting last night, we did not have a nominee for DGK; however, that is no longer the case.  Though we closed the nominations as presented, the DGK position was still open, and the person who has opted to take that office will be officially nominated and voted for at our June meeting.  his name will appear in the email you will receive with the other names For those of you who are curious, no office is being contested by two or more candidates, so as a result there is only one person running per elected office.  I do want to extend my gratitude and congratulations to all of the nominees.  Your future tenures in the offices you will be holding will be rewarding, and I hope for all of you, it will bring lots of fun, a few laughs, and lots of support from your PGKs and Trustees. There will be some s...

Council Happenings

Dear Brother Knights, and Michelle and Liz in the ADMIN Office at St. Francis of Assisi: Attached is the finalized Calendar for the St. Francis K of C Council 11746 for the next operational year, whose dates were set in the computer by Michelle earlier this month.  The only date still needing confirmation from the American Red Cross is the Blood Drive date in May 2023; otherwise, all dates are firm as of earlier this month.       I trust there have been no changes in the dates already scheduled and confirmed earlier this month, by anyone besides Michelle, that has access to the date setting software on the parish computers, as we take great pains at setting these dates way in advance, so they are known by all.  Should something happen or there be a special reason the K of C needs to reschedule due to a special Parish or Diocesan event that must preempt one of our events, please contact the new Grand Knight regarding any potential conflict at least 30 days i...

Free Insurance Seminar for Catholic Families May 20th at 5:30 PM via Zoom.

Dear Worthy Brothers: Our District Deputy and Field Agent have informed me of this pending ZOOM seminar being offered to us by Douglas Sines, PGK, One Year Trustee and Technology Director, of Blessed Mother Mary Council 15238 in Dawsonville, GA. You are invited to join this seminar via Zoom using this internet address: 15238insurancemay22 .   As always - this seminar costs you nothing except for the time you listen to the seminar.  Remember - things change, not only in our personal lives, but also with respect to current laws.      Vivat Jesus, Rick Graff                                              

Walk 4 Life

Dear Worthy Brothers: The Human Life & Dignity Committee is asking your help. Katherine Lavery is Captain of Team St. Francis, participating in Walk 4 Life in support of the Her Hope Pregnancy Center in Blue Ridge next Saturday, May 7, at Fannin County Park. The goal of the fundraiser is to purchase medical equipment required to transition the Center into a life-affirming Medical Clinic.  We are asking for help in two ways: by online donations as well as additional walkers to join Katherine! To access the Walk-4-Life page, use this link 4-life-event   Then click "Register/Donate" and scroll down to view the leaderboard. Use the blue button to register as a walker on St. Francis' team or the gray button to donate online. As of May 1, St. Francis' team stands in 5th place of dollars raised. Please sponsor St. Francis' team as we walk for Life the day before Mother's Day. Let’s support our local Mothers-to-be! Thanks for any hel...

Important Dates May 2022

Dear Worthy Brothers: We have a busy next week.  Here is what is happening: May 2022 8       Mother’s Day Breakfast, free to Mothers, serving from 8:00AM to 11:00AM; kitchen/serving crew from 6:00AM to 1:30PM; Jim Brown Mgr. 11      Quarterly Deceased Knights’ Mass @ noon mass - Church 12      Officers Meeting 5:30 PM Member Meeting 6:30 PM– Reading of Officer Candidate Nominations - these are the nominations from the Election Committee.  Floor nominations are also accepted.  Please consider running for an office if you are a third-degree Knight.  It's a great experience and gratifying.   14      Blood Drive – Marian Hall (set-up 10:30AM; Blood Drive noon to 5:00; teardown starting at 5:30 PM) We will stop serving breakfast at 11:00 AM instead of 1:00 PM until further notice.  The reason is so few people arrive after 11:00 AM.   I invite all Knights that can attend the Deceased ...

Calendar of Events

Dear Worthy Brothers: Breakfast Serving times have changed. Glenn Harahan and I are not attending the State Convention on May 13/14/15.  It was decided earlier this year not to attend, and then my health issues popped up last month, and I cannot drive that far.   The new incoming Grand Knight will need to decide if he wants a catered dinner or hors d'oeuvres or nothing after the Installation of Officers on 9 June 2022.  He should start to consider this, once nominations are read on 12 May.  The Past Grand Knights, Trustees, and the current Grand Knight are available to provide guidance. May 2022 8       Mother’s Day Breakfast, free to Mothers, 6:00AM to 2:30PM, serving from 8:00AM to 11:00PM  11      Quarterly Deceased Knights’ Mass @ noon mass - Church 12      Officers Meeting 5:30 PM Member Meeting 6:30 PM– Reading of Officer Candidate Nominations 14              Blood Dr...