Important Dates May 2022

Dear Worthy Brothers:

We have a busy next week.  Here is what is happening:

May 2022
8       Mother’s Day Breakfast, free to Mothers, serving from 8:00AM to 11:00AM; kitchen/serving crew from 6:00AM to 1:30PM; Jim Brown Mgr.
11      Quarterly Deceased Knights’ Mass @ noon mass - Church
12      Officers Meeting 5:30 PM Member Meeting 6:30 PM– Reading of Officer Candidate Nominations - these are the nominations from the Election Committee.  Floor nominations are also accepted.  Please consider running for an office if you are a third-degree Knight.  It's a great experience and gratifying.  
14      Blood Drive – Marian Hall (set-up 10:30AM; Blood Drive noon to 5:00; teardown starting at 5:30 PM)

We will stop serving breakfast at 11:00 AM instead of 1:00 PM until further notice.  The reason is so few people arrive after 11:00 AM.  

I invite all Knights that can attend the Deceased Knights Mass to please do so, so we can honor our deceased Knights, including our most recently deceased Knights: Deacon Larry Casey, Francis Metzger, and Jim Priest.  Please be in the vestibule of the church by not later than 11:45 AM, so you can place your arm band, and we can assemble, and then process into the church with Father, when mass starts.

I am asking for help on Saturday morning May 14, to get Marian Hall set-up for the Blood Drive, as my medical issues will make it very difficult to do this by myself.  Two or three Knights helping me can make quick work of it.  We use all the rectangular tables and two of the circular tables.  Most of the chairs get stacked, except for about 24, which get set up around the tables.  I will be there at 10:30 AM to start setting the room up.  I can also use some help after the 4:30PM Vigil Mass, as we need to re-set the room up with the circular tables.  Usually, we can start at about 5:30 PM, and be done by 6:15 PM.

Rick Graff
Richard “Rick” F. Graff                  
Grand Knight, Council 11746
Faithful Captain, Assembly 2563
51 Hidden Fields Rd.
Hiawassee, GA 30546
Cell/Text: 706-970-5696


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