Walk 4 Life

Dear Worthy Brothers:
The Human Life & Dignity Committee is asking your help. Katherine Lavery is Captain of Team St. Francis, participating in Walk 4 Life in support of the Her Hope Pregnancy Center in Blue Ridge next Saturday, May 7, at Fannin County Park. The goal of the fundraiser is to purchase medical equipment required to transition the Center into a life-affirming Medical Clinic. 

We are asking for help in two ways: by online donations as well as additional walkers to join Katherine!

To access the Walk-4-Life page, use this link https://herhope.me/2022-walk-4-life-event 
Then click "Register/Donate" and scroll down to view the leaderboard. Use the blue button to register as a walker on St. Francis' team or the gray button to donate online. As of May 1, St. Francis' team stands in 5th place of dollars raised.

Please sponsor St. Francis' team as we walk for Life the day before Mother's Day. Let’s support our local Mothers-to-be!

Thanks for any help you can give! Questions? 
Contact Katherine Lavery at 903-883-6492 or Katherine.Lavery@gmail.com. Katherine is our Worthy Advocate, Bob Lavery's wife.

Rick Graff


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