Council election of Officers

Dear Worthy Brothers -
By the end of next week, you will receive an email providing you with the list of nominees for the elected offices of the Council.

At the close of the meeting last night, we did not have a nominee for DGK; however, that is no longer the case.  Though we closed the nominations as presented, the DGK position was still open, and the person who has opted to take that office will be officially nominated and voted for at our June meeting.  his name will appear in the email you will receive with the other names

For those of you who are curious, no office is being contested by two or more candidates, so as a result there is only one person running per elected office.  I do want to extend my gratitude and congratulations to all of the nominees.  Your future tenures in the offices you will be holding will be rewarding, and I hope for all of you, it will bring lots of fun, a few laughs, and lots of support from your PGKs and Trustees. There will be some sad times too, but the good times will happen far and away more times than those that bring sadness.

Thank you all and may God Bless you and your families.

Vivat Jesus,
Rick Graff                                      


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