Council Year in Review

 Worthy Brothers - 

My second term as your Grand Knight for K of C Council 11746 is nearing its end.  I want to thank all the council members for the support they have provided over the past two years, while being your Grand Knight.  It has been an honor to serve you and one that I will remember for a long time.

I am pleased to report our Council is more financially sound than it was during the onset of COVID-19. 

We have good procedures and documentation in place for St. Patrick's Day, Chili Cook-Off/Trivia Night, and Cajun/Mardi Gras socials.  Oktoberfest has always been handled well by Jim Brown.  Breakfasts and socials were a great source for social interaction between parish members and guests.

The new formats for holding Officer and Member meetings worked extremely well and accomplished everything they were intended to.  We have used the K of C microphone and amp/speaker system for several of the meetings, and I recommend using them for all future meetings, as the acoustics in Marian Hall are not that great.

Supreme introduced the Affiliate Member Initiative early this calendar year, and several Knights were placed into it.

During this fraternal year, we gained five new Knights who took part in the Charity, Unity, and Fraternity Third Degree Exemplification Ceremony.  A sixth Knight has yet to take part in the ceremony, but we are hopeful he will do so soon, as the benefits are many once he has completed his exemplification.  We currently have 92 Knights on our roster – one of which is classed as inactive by Supreme.

I am pleased to report Supreme has confirmed in writing via email to me that our Council has not only qualified for the Founders and Columbian Awards, but also the Star Council Award this year.  Thank you all, for without your work and support, these awards would not have been possible.

I trust you will support your new Officers during the next Fraternal Year as you supported this year’s Officers.  We need your input and assistance to make the Council a vibrant, strong right arm, of the parish and Fr. Lopez.  Do try to attend every meeting you can, as your ideas and comments are important to your Officers.

Thank you for having made this a most memorable two-year journey for my wife, Renee, and me!
Fraternally yours,
Rick Graff
GK Council 11746 - but not for long!


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