New Slate of Officers 2022-23

Worthy Brothers -
Please congratulate the new slate of elected Officers and Appointed Officers for the next Fraternal Year, which begins July 1, 2022.  Elections were held at our 9 June Member Meeting all open officer positions were unanimously elected.  FYI: Jim Holzinger, who is our Financial Secretary is Appointed by Supreme for a term of three years.  He will be starting his third year some weeks after the start of the new fraternal year, due to when he was appointed by Supreme, so his term does not match the fraternal year's.
Grand Knight    Glenn R. Harahan
Dep. Gr. Knight Nelson Kenneth Simmons
Recorder        Michael F. Stewart
Chancellor      William R. Lyon, Jr.
Advocate        Robert P. Lavery
Financial Sec'y James F. Holzinger
Treasurer       Michael Courey
Warden          Christopher S. Woodaz
Inside Guard    Lewis G. Gebhardt
Outside Guard   Gregory V. Hull
Lecturer        Lucien Gerard Rousseau, appointed by GK
Trustee 3 year  Richard F. Graff
Trustee 2 year  James H. Brown
Trustee 1 year  Ronald D. Tomczyk
Chaplain        Very Rev. Fr. Richard P. Wise, appointed by GK

Vivat Jesus,
Richard F. Graff


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