Upcoming Council Meeting Highlights

Dear Worthy Brothers -

Our last Officer and Member Meetings for Fraternal Year 2021/2 occur this Thursday.  There is much to finalize and prepare for the next Fraternal Year this Thursday night.
Officers Meet at 5:30 PM
Members Meet at 6:30 PM  

Please be sure to attend these meetings, since much of what will occur during the next fraternal year will have the initial planning stages started here.  Your input is desired.  If you are not there, you will not have the opportunity to participate in some of the decisions that will be made.  Please note some of the new additions to the Knight's Corner of the bulletin board as you enter Marian Hall.

Here are some of the things that will occur at the member meeting:
-Last chance for nominations from the floor for new Officers not currently on the slate of Nominees.  Whomever is nominated from the floor at the meeting must be present to accept the nomination.
-A review of which membership activities worked, and which can be improved.
-Voting on the nominees of Officers will occur (all nominees should be present to show their interest in representing the council).
-I will submit form #185 the day after the meeting, which will officially notify Supreme, the State Deputy, and our DD who the new Officers are.
-I will hand over the GK files to the GK elect, including the balance sheet and preliminary budget, which he will adjust to his own program and submit to the Trustees for review and approval prior to the end of the month.
-The GK elect will hold a brief meeting after the regular member meeting to present his ideas and program.  He will be determining who will be the Knights who will be Service program personnel.  He has to submit form #365 by August 1, 2022.
-The FS and Treasurer will need to start compiling the semi-annual Audit Report, Form #1295 for submission to Supreme not later than August 15.  The Trustees and GK must sign this form in advance of submittal.
-The fall membership and church drive planning will start in July.  Please consider who you would like to invite to be a member of our Council.  Our goal for membership in Fraternal year 2022/3 is still 5.
-The GK elect will take over the calendar schedule, so if any adjustments are needed - see him.  
-Planning for the Catholic Citizenship Contest and Coats for Kids will start.
-If you have any ideas for a new project/program we have not considered during the past two years, please consider presenting your ideas to the new Officers at the post meeting session.
-After the regular meeting is over and the post meeting being led by the GK Elect occurs with the other officers elect.

If there is anything you would like me to bring to the floor prior to the meeting you may contact me via phone or text or email.

On behalf of your current Officers, and the nominated Officers, I look forward to seeing you there.

Thank you for your support these past two years.

Richard “Rick” F. Graff                  
Grand Knight, Council 11746
Faithful Captain, Assembly 2563
Cell/Text: 706-970-5696
Email: hydraglide1951@icloud.com
Web:   www.KofC.org 
Blog:  https://koc11746.blogspot.com


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