Aid and Support After Pregnancy

Give to the ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy) initiative today to support effective pro-life initiatives.


Dear Brother Daniel,

On June 24, 2022, history was made. The Supreme Court upheld the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling thus overturning Roe v. Wade! While we take a moment to celebrate this historic decision, our fight for life continues!

Pro-life clinics throughout the United States and Canada continue their service to women and their children beyond birth. To better assist these centers, the Knights of Columbus has created the ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy) initiative. This Fraternal year, the Knights of Columbus pledge $5M in support of local pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and other organizations that give direct assistance to new mothers and their babies. Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. will commit up to $1M in support of this vital initiative. If you do not have a local pregnancy center in your community or simply want to give where it’s needed most, please consider making a gift. Can I count on your support of ASAP with a gift to the Knights of Columbus United in Charity Fund?


Knights of Columbus Charities stands in support of life. Through the Culture of Life Initiative, we have worked with local councils to place over 1,500 ultrasound machines in pro-life woman’s health centers around the world. Thanks to your generosity, and in tandem with the generosity of our local councils, countless lives have been saved. While our prayers have been answered for the overturning of Roe v Wadewe cannot and will not stop our fight for life until every unborn child is cherished.

As Knights of Columbus, we continue to demonstrate our belief in the value for life by providing invaluable family aid and crisis response. Through our Coats for KidsFood for FamiliesLeave No Neighbor Behind, and disaster relief programs, Knights of Columbus councils throughout Canada and the United States provide support for families suffering from food insecurity and financial need in times of crisis. Your gift to United in Charity supports these needed and impactful programs. 

Beyond our local communities, the Knights also stood for persecuted Christians in the Middle East and Nigeria. This past year, we added funding to help stop human trafficking. Christ has prepared us to stand in the breach for these vulnerable communities. Every time you see a story highlighting our efforts in these areas, it is your generosity at work!

Because of your support, our United in Charity fund has provided the first funds to almost every new and needed initiative supported by Knights of Columbus Charities—from disaster relief to persecuted Christians, to Ukraine Solidarity and pregnancy center support. Your gift today allows us to continue to respond immediately and the United in Charity fund allows us to be agile and act as soon as we identify the need.

Watch to see your gifts at work!

I am blessed to have many more stories to share. Many of them can be found on and on our social media channels. We look forward to sharing more of the impact you are making throughout the year. Until then, please know I am humbled by your continuous outpouring of generosity, and I am honored to serve as your Supreme Knight.

Vivat Jesus!
Patrick E. Kelly
Supreme Knight



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