Aid and Support After Pregnancy

Give to the ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy) initiative today to support effective pro-life initiatives.


Dear Brother Daniel,

Last week, Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly gave us an inspiring message during his opening remarks at our annual Supreme Convention in Nashville.  Mr. Kelly celebrated that Roe v. Wade was recently overturned and also emphasized that now, more than ever, mothers and children need our unwavering support.  

He said, “The end of Roe is a crucial milestone. But we cannot mistake it for the end of abortion. We can hope it’s the beginning of the end.  And as Knights, we must push forward with all the courage and compassion we can summon.  As much as we’ve done, there is still so much more to do.  We must increase our efforts on every front. …With Roe gone, many mothers will still experience fear and uncertainty.  Many will be tempted to seek an abortion in another state. But the Knights can point them in the right direction, toward life.  The best thing we can do is redouble our support for pregnancy resource centers.”

Knights of Columbus Charities has a distinguished legacy of defending life.  We’ve played a leading role in national and state marches for life since they began. We’ve help place over 1,500 ultrasound machines in local pregnancy centers.  Today, we must continue to lead as defenders of life through our new initiative, ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy). This program will provide support to local pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes allowing them to directly meet the needs of mothers and children in their community. Your gift today to our United in Charity Fund allows us to answer growing needs and allows us to be agile and adapt if needed.

This fraternal year, the Knights of Columbus pledge $5M in support of local pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and other organizations that give direct assistance to new mothers and their babies. Our first step in reaching this goal is to raise $1M by August 31. To date we are nearly 20% of the way there.

People often say that pro-lifers only care about babies, but as this initiative demonstrates, we are there for mother and child. The need is great. Can I count on you to act today?


Want to learn more how your gift impacts mothers and babies? Watch this short clip of how local pregnancy resource centers aid moms and children in need.


Knights of Columbus Supreme Treasurer



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