Coats for Kids

Towns County Herald Press Release:

Pictured Left to Right: Rick Graff, Amy Rosser, and Glenn Harahan

On October 20, 2022, the Knights of Columbus Council 11746 from St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church of

Blairsville, GA delivered winter parkas for 12 boys and 6 girls as part of its “Coats for Kids Program” to the

Family Connection Office at Towns County Schools.

Council 11746 representatives on hand for the donation were Grand Knight Glenn Harahan, and Past Grand

Knight Rick Graff. The coats were received by Amy Rosser, the Towns County Family Connection Coordinator,

who has worked with the local Knights of Columbus Council 11746 for several years with this program.

Approximately 18% of American children and 14% of Canadian children live in poverty, per the US Census

Bureau and UNICEF. Many families have scarce resources to cover the cost of basic clothing essentials for the

winter months, whose situations have been exacerbated by inflation costs, and COVID-19 and other illnesses

affecting families. These members of our community need help to provide the vital necessity of a winter coat.

The Knights of Columbus launched the Coats for Kids Program to ensure that every child in need would have

access to a warm winter coat. Since the program inception in 2009, councils have purchased and distributed more

than 800,000 new winter coats to children throughout North America.

Knights of Columbus Council 11746 works with the Family Connection Office at Towns County Schools, who helps

identify the areas of need, and they discreetly distribute the coats to the families with children in need of the winter

coats. The council buys new winter coats to meet those needs.

One of the ways to help the Knights of Columbus Council 11746 Coats for Kids distribution is to make a donation

and mail it to them in c/o St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 3717 Hwy 515E, Blairsville, GA 30512, or visit for more information.


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