
Showing posts from March, 2022

Cancel the drive thru BBQ event

Dear Worthy Brothers - Therre has been tremendous support for the K of C Ukranian Refugee Relief Fund, so we have decided to cancel the drive thru BBQ event, which was to raise money for the fund.  Thanks go to Emil Terranova for coming up with the BBQ idea. Thanks also go to all of you who have contributed, and to those who are planning to contribute.  We are $50.00 shy of our initial goal of $1000.00, and I'm sure we can make this amount up by our next meeting.   Our Monthly meeting is delayed one week due to Holy Thursday being our regular meeting night.  Our April meeting is one week later and is on April 21, 2022. Fraternally yours, Rick Graff  

Novena for Ukraine

  The Knights of Columbus today calls on its over two million members and their families worldwide to join in nine days of prayer beginning March 17, 2022. Initiated by Catholics in Ukraine, the novena leads up to the Feast of the Annunciation, on March 25th, when Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Saint Peter’s Square in Rome. This date is historically significant, as on the same day in 1984, Saint John Paul II consecrated Russia and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. “During this time of immense suffering in Ukraine, I call on our more than two million Knights to devote themselves in prayer to our Blessed Virgin Mary,” said Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly. “Together, we’ll ask Our Lady to intercede on behalf of those directly impacted by the conflict, to give strength to our Ukrainian and Polish Knights working so hard to deliver relief, and to help bring peace to the region.” DOWNLOAD NOVENA PRAYER To date, our generous member...

Ukraine Fundraiser

Dear Worthy Brothers All of you know by now of the situation in the Ukraine.  It is time for our Council to step into the brink and to show our support for the millions of refugees that have been forced from their homes in the Ukraine.  Earlier today, I alluded to a meeting with Fr. Mario after noon mass today. He mentioned to us the monies that have been collected to date in the church vestibule and they have been significant.  This is a chance for the Knights to donate all the profits from a fundraiser specifically for the support of the Ukrainian refugees, but for all the participants in the fundraiser to have a nice BBQ meal as well.   Brother Emil Terranova (a retired professional chef) and I discussed with Fr. Mario about holding a drive through BBQ, similar to, but held differently from the one last year.  Details will unfold as we near the three weekends preceding the event when tickets will be sold.  This will be a two-day affair to be held on...

Columbian Award

Dear Worthy Brothers: At the end of Lent, we will have fulfilled all the requirements for the Columbian Award, as this is when the last requirement - Food for Families - ends.                                                The form SP-7 has been completed and dated 19 April 2022, as that is Tuesday of Easter week.  The form needs Glenn Harahan's signature.  Once he has signed the form, it will be emailed to Supreme, our Worthy State Deputy, and our Worthy DD, Jack Planchard.   Thank you to all who helped contribute to the successful completion of the many programs we have already done, and those yet to be done.  The form only lets us list four programs per category.  We have done many more than the sixteen mentioned on the SP-7 form. Fraternally yours, Rick Graff                      ...

KofC Tax Information

Apologies for resending this email. A few paragraphs were cut off from the bottom of the version you originally received. TO: State Deputies, State Secretaries, District Deputies, Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, Faithful Navigators and Faithful Comptrollers in the United States   FROM: Knights of Columbus Legal Department   DATE: March 2022   RE:  2021 Tax Information for KofC Councils, Assemblies, & Chapters This notice is to remind councils, assemblies, and chapters in the United States of their legal obligation to file an IRS Form 990 (informational tax return) for the 2021 tax year, and to provide detailed instructions on how to comply with this obligation.   The Knights of Columbus, including all subordinate councils, assemblies, and chapters (collectively referred to as councils), is a tax-exempt organization, recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a fraternal benefit society under Section 501(c)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code. ...

March KOC Meeting

Dear Worthy Brothers - Just a reminder that tomorrow night we have our monthly officer and Member Meeting. Doors to Marian Hall will be open by 4:45 PM, to allow for room set-up and cooking.  We will be having fish sandwiches and snacks and beverages between the Officer and Membership meetings.  The fish will be cooked by Ron C. and Lew G.  The officer meeting begins at 5:30 PM, and the member meeting begins at 6:30 PM. Be sure to wear your name tags, if you have them and bring your membership cards and rosaries.  New members who do not have a name badge as yet - be sure to see our FS, Jim Holzinger, to see if your badge has arrived.  Members need to see him if you have paid your dues but not received your new membership card as yet.  Also see him if you still owe 2022 dues of $36.00. We have received a number of communications, which will be announced, and will be available for you to see on the side table.  The main item to be discussed is the St. Pa...

ASH Wednesday

  Brother Knights, I bring you prayerful greetings on this Ash Wednesday and I hope that this season of Lent will be a grace-filled journey for you and your family. It has been inspiring for me to witness the tremendous and immediate response of brother Knights around the world to the crisis in Ukraine. Earlier this week, I spoke with the State Deputy of Ukraine, and was deeply moved to hear of the courage and faith of all our brother Knights in his country as they face such adversity. In a special way, I also want to thank our brother Knights in Poland for their tremendous outpouring of support. Just today, Pope Francis  praised the response  of the Polish people to the Ukrainian crisis, and our brother Knights have been leading the way. Today, our team shared an update with the media and the wider public about our recent success not only in raising funds but also in successfully getting aid to those who need it. You can find that media release  here . As we enter t...